Mohammed Hijab 0 Sapient Thoughts #6: Does the Quran say the earth was created before the heaven (فيديو) لا يوجد وصف
Mohammed Hijab 0 Sapient Thoughts #14: Does the Quran say the Sun sets in a muddy spring (فيديو) لا يوجد وصف
Dr. Osman Latiff 0 Sapient Thoughts #13: Affluence and atheism — is there a correlation? (فيديو) لا يوجد وصف
Mohammed Hijab 0 Sapient Thoughts #12: Were all the species on Earth put on Noah's ark (فيديو) لا يوجد وصف
Mohammed Hijab 0 Sapient Thoughts #11: Understanding the hadith of the blackseed as a cure for all diseases (فيديو) لا يوجد وصف
Mohammed Hijab 0 Sapient Thoughts #10: Does the Hadith of the Sun prostrating support geocentrism (فيديو) لا يوجد وصف
Mohammed Hijab 0 Sapient Thoughts #9: Does the word alaqah only mean congealed blood & is it unscientific (فيديو) لا يوجد وصف
Imran Hussein 0 Sapient Thoughts #8: Does an eternal afterlife make life meaningless (فيديو) لا يوجد وصف